Donald Korb

Our primary eye care service includes complete eye exams that analyse eye health (including dry eye) and vision function, testing for glaucoma, cataracts and macular degeneration. We provide spectacles, contact lenses (including specialty fittings for eye diseases), and pre-and post-operative care.

Throughout his career, Dr. Korb has divided his time between the practice of Optometry and research. His most important contributions of contemporary relevance have been in evaporative dry eye, contact lenses and meibomian glad dysfunction. Primary accomplishments of contemporary significance are:

The first membrane soft contact lens, the CSI lens, the grandfather of the modern soft lens. The discovery and naming of Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD), giant papillary conjunctivitis, (GPC), lid wiper epitheliopathy (LWE) and non obvious meibomian gland dysfunction. Ocular lipid technology products, including the dry eye products. LipiFlow, the first FDA cleared treatment for evaporative dry eye and MGD. Discovery of concepts of lid seal vs. lid closure (2015) and lid debridement. Introduction and publication of concept that Dry Eye is the Wrong Diagnosis for Millions (2015)

Korb & Associates has played a major role in dry eye research, leading to an understanding of the cause of dry eyes, diagnosis and methods of treatment. Recent publications focus on dry eye and the premise that dry eye is the wrong diagnosis for millions.


400 Commonwealth Ave STE 2, Boston, MA 02215, USA