Dr. Davis established one of the first contact lens specialty practices in the country and practiced optometry for almost three-quarters of a century, retiring recently after beginning practice in 1946. He graduated from the Illinois College of Optometry and founded Davis EyeCare in Oak Lawn, IL.

With the help of his parents, he bought a practice in Chicago and for years he trudged over to Back of the Yard armed with only his determination, natural charm, free protective goggles, and 20% discounts to fit the workers and their families with the glasses they sorely needed. When the opportunity arose to get in on the ground floor of a new technology known as “contact lenses” he jumped at it. He was a pioneer, a visionary. Business took off and his reputation soared. He gained international recognition travelling all over the world to lecture and train other doctors in this new technology. Later he was an early adapter of soft contact lenses as well. An unsolicited testament from a congregant at his shul was: “ At the time, I lived in Deerfield and would drive all the way to his office on 95th Street in Oak Lawn to have him fit me with contacts. No other eye doctors in the area were using soft lenses at the time, let alone giving them to a high school student. He really was brilliant.”

Harold was a prolific clinical researcher who served as past president of the International Society of Contact Lens Specialists. He was awarded the Achievement Award from the American Optometric Association (AOA) Contact Lens & Cornea Section, the Lifetime Service Award from the Illinois College of Optometry, and the Distinguished Practitioner recognition from the National Academies of Practice.


His particular ISCLS passion was as Chairman of the Educational Committee for as long as Nigel can remember until his retirement recently. He was famous for the use of his “frog sounding Clicker” to signal ‘time’s up!’ His other passions included Dry Eye and of course, his family. 

Harold is survived by Terry Davis, Robert (Cathy) Davis, Susan Davis, and Richard (Elizabeth Mayer-Davis) Davis as well as by 13 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. He was a dear companion of Joy Landan.


Harold Received a very special award from the ISCLS: –

In recognition of substantial and enduring contributions to the multidisciplinary Practice of Eye Care using contact lenses and related devices, the President and Executive Council of this Society gratefully convey their highest Esteem to Dr. Harold E. Davis for Dedication to our Society unfathomable, Faith in our Society unshakable, Spirit of Comradeship unbreakable; and with Admiration by our Membership uncontainable.

Awarded on this 22nd Day of May, in the Year 2014, Charleston, South Carolina